The last two years I have shared my New Year's resolutions here. Each year I have resolved to focus my energy to some part of my life. Whether it was towards light or simplicity, my resolutions have been to grow in some area of my life by bringing more attention to it. This year, I resolve to make art, and lots of it.
Before I had children, I used to create a lot. I used to paint, collage, craft, crochet, build things. There were always one, or two, or five projects in the works. Since I have had kids, I have still been creative but my creativity has been focused on my children. I have learned how to sew; making them clothing, costumes and toys and that has fed my need for creativity. But as my children are getting older and developing their own passions, it is important to my husband and I that our children see their parents engaging in their own passions.
While there is a lot of art that happens here already, I resolve to make art, every day. This is a resolution to take care of my soul in a deeper way by letting it express itself in its own language. This is a resolution to let my children know their mama in a deeper way, by letting them see yet another one of their mama's passions. This is a resolution to be brave and to share more of my creative spirit here.
What are your resolutions? How can you resolve to take better care of yourself, by being you in deeper and more emboldened ways?
I love your post mfmama! Such a great pastime to feed you & in doing so, your family.